"Tsurumaru" was created by Gojo Kuninaga, a swordsmith in the Heian period.
The origin of the name "Tsurumaru" is unknown, but it is said that
it is because of the "crane" pattern on the lost sword metal fittings.
There is also another sword by Kuninaga named "Rindohmaru"
which has a sheath openworked with gentians but there are various theories
that Tsurumaru and Rindohmaru are the same or
different sword but there is no absolute certainty.
The sword is currently maintained by the Imperial Household Agency
as the private property of the Imperial Family (Gyobutsu),
but it has some mysterious episode that
the owner has changed one after another throughout its history.
Custom-order Specs.
All metal fittings (Kabutogane, Tsuba, Fuchi, Ashikanamono, Semekanamono, Ishizuki) are made of brass with a crane or gentian pattern and are gold-plated. |
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